
A branch in Git is simply a lightweight movable pointer to one of these commits. The default branch name in Git is master

As you add additional commits on a branch, the branch will move along

Listing Branches

List the local branch

vagrant@git-m1:~/git-demo(master)$ git branch
* master

The above command lists the branch and shows that we are working on master

List the remote branch

List the remote branch

vagrant@git-m1:~/git-demo(master)$ git branch -r
  origin/HEAD -> origin/master

The above command lists remote branches and shows HEAD is pointing to remote master

Creating a Branch

Create a branch named bug-fix

vagrant@git-m1:~/git-demo(master)$ git checkout -b bug-fix
Switched to a new branch 'bug-fix'

The above command creates are new branch named bug-fix and update the working copy with new branch. Note this branch is created from master

Know the branch on which you are working

git status gives the branch on with you are working

vagrant@git-m1:~/git-demo(bug-fix)$ git status
On branch bug-fix
nothing to commit, working directory clean

Add and commit a file to branch

Lets add a file fix.txt to the branch bug-fix.

vagrant@git-m1:~/git-demo(bug-fix)$ echo "Hello" >> fix.txt            
vagrant@git-m1:~/git-demo(bug-fix)$ git add fix.txt                    
vagrant@git-m1:~/git-demo(bug-fix)$ git commit -m "added fix file"     
[bug-fix a8d0a15] added fix file                                       
 create mode 100644 fix.txt                                            

Push a branch to remote repository

Push the local branch bug-fix remote repository git-demo which is present on the git hub server

vagrant@git-m1:~/git-demo(bug-fix)$  git push --set-upstream origin bug-fix
Username for '': padmacho
Password for '':
Counting objects: 2, done.
Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
Writing objects: 100% (2/2), 266 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 2 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
 * [new branch]      bug-fix -> bug-fix
Branch bug-fix set up to track remote branch bug-fix from origin.

origin points to remote repository . --set-upstream helps to push to remote branch

Switch Branch

Switch to branch bug-fix-1

vagrant@git-m1:~/git-demo(enhancement-1)$ git checkout bug-fix-1
Switched to branch 'bug-fix-1'

The above command will switch to branch bug-fix-1 from the current working branch enhancement-1

Renaming a branch

Rename branch bug-fix to bug1

vagrant@git-m1:~/git-demo(bug-fix)$ git branch -m bug-fix bug1

Deleting a branch

Delete the branch bug1

vagrant@git-m1:~/git-demo(master)$ git branch -d bug1
warning: deleting branch 'bug1' that has been merged to
         'refs/remotes/origin/bug-fix', but not yet merged to HEAD.
Deleted branch bug1 (was a8d0a15).

Note: Git complains that you are deleting a branch that was not merged,You cannot delete a branch on which you are currently working on.

-D to do a force delete

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