Part - II

This is an topic round. Minimum duration is 3 to 4 minutes and we need to prepare for 1 minutes and respond in 2 minute time interval

Example Topics

1.  Which job is that?
2. When did you first think about it?
3. What educational qualification you need to possess for the job?
4. What personal qualities you need to posses for the job?
5. Why you like this job?
1. Whos is he or she?
2. How are you related to him or he?
3. Explain why you consider him or he as your role mode?
1. Which day was that?
2. What has happened?
3. Explain why do you consider that as happiest day of your life
1. Whom did you give?
2. When did you give?
3. What was the present?
4. Explain how is the present is different from the other present?
1. Which newspaper is that ?
2. Since how long you are reading it?
3. Explain how it is useful to you?
1. What is that?
2. Where did you receive it from?
3. When did you received it?
4. Explain why you consider this is an important email or letter?