Data Cleansing

Unfortunately, it is very common in data analysis that the input data is not perfect, and it often requires cleaning.

Sample DataFrame

import pandas as pd

# List of student tuples with id,name and marks
students = [(102, 'Dora', 90), (103, 'Hulk', 80),
            (104, 'Hanuma', 'a'), (105, 'Hulk',),
            (106, 'Buddu', -5), (107, 'Ninja',)]
# Create a data frame from records
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(students)

# Set column names
df.columns = ['id', 'name', 'marks']

Missing Data


Empty values points

Using to_numeric convert all the strings to numeric data type

# Try to convert all the elements in the column to numeric
ValueError: Unable to parse string "a" at position 2
# Force pandas to convert String or None to NaN
pd.to_numeric(df['marks'], errors='coerce')
0    90.0
1    80.0
2     NaN
3     NaN
4    -5.0
5     NaN
# Update the marks column
df['marks'] = pd.to_numeric(df['marks'], errors='coerce')



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