Process JSON text

Lets process the JSON text that represent student information.

Student JSON

Below student object has attributes id, name and marks

  "id": 1001,
  "name": "Dora",
  "marks": 90

Read json file from disk

Read JSON file from disk and pass file object to json.load function

import json

with open('student.json') as file_obj:
    # read json file from disk and parse to create a dictionary object
    student_dict = json.load(file_obj)

Read name value pairs

Read student attribute name,id,marks

>>> student_dict['name']    
>>> student_dict['id']      
>>> student_dict['marks']   

Student json file with address

Sudent object which contains address object

  "id": 1001,
  "name": "Dora",
  "marks": 90,
  "address": {
    "street": "383 Madison Ave, New York",
    "pincode": 10017

Reading more fields

>>> student_dict["address"] # Read student address
{'street': '383 Madison Ave, New York', 'pincode': 10017}
>>> student_dict['address']['street']  # Read street number
'383 Madison Ave, New York'

Student json with address and subjects

Studnet with address and subject object

  "id": 1001,
  "name": "Dora",
  "marks": 90,
  "address": {
    "street": "383 Madison Ave, New York",
    "pincode": 10017
  "subjects": [

Reading list from JSON

Read subjects

>>> student_dict['subjects']
['english', 'maths', 'science']
>>> student_dict['subjects'][0]

Source Files

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