Primitive Scalar Types

Python comes with a number of built-in data types. These include primitive scalar types, like int,float,bool and None as well as collection types, like dictionaries.


# int Integer literals in python can be specified in decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal ```python # decimal >>> 10 10 # binary >>> 0b10 2 # octal >>> 0o10 8 # hexadecimal >>> 0x10 16 ``` ## Convert other types to integer **int** constructor can be used to convert other data types like string, float to int ```python # Convert float to integer >>> int(2.5) 2 # Convert String to integer >>> int("143") 143 ``` # float Python floats are implemented as IEE-754 double precision floating-point numbers with 53 bits of binary precision. This is equivalent to between 15 and 16 significant digits in decimal. ```python >>> pi=3.1415926535 >>> pi 3.1415926535 # Scientific notation can also be used for large numbers >>> speed_of_light=3e8 >>> speed_of_light 300000000.0 # Smaller numbers >>> planck_constant=6.62e-34 >>> planck_constant 6.62e-34 >>> type(planck_constant) ``` ## Convert other types to float **float** constructor can be used to convert other data types like string, integer to float ```python >>> float(4) 4.0 >>> float("4.5") 4.5 # construct not a number >>> float("nan") nan # positive infinity >>> float("inf") inf # Negative infinity >>> float("-inf") -inf # int and float operation is promoted to float >>> 4.3+1 5.3 ``` # NoneType Python has a special null value called None it represent the absence of a value ```python # None value is not printed to REPL >>> None >>> x=None >>> x is None True ``` # bool The bool type represents logical states .There are two bool values, True and False, both with initial capitals. ```python >>> True True >>> False False >>> x = True >>> x True >>> ``` ## Convert other types to bool bool constructor can be used to convert other types to boolean - 0 is considered as False rest all are True - empty collection is False rest all are True - empty string is false rest all are True ```python >>> bool(0) False >>> bool(0.0) False >>> bool(1) True >>> bool(1.2) True # Empty lists are always false >>> bool([]) False >>> bool([1,2]) True # Empty string is false >>> bool("") False # Note below is not empty string >>> bool(" ") True # Note false is not empty string >>> bool("False") True ```

Bytes used by data types

Memory size of Python primitive data types depends largely on the Operating System architecture. Below size computed on my Windows 10 OS

Data Type Bytes Examples Remarks
int 14 bytes 102 arbitrary precision integer
float 16 bytes 4.2 64-bit !oating point numbers
NoneType 8 bytes None the null object
bool 14 bytes Ture or False boolean logical values
>>> import sys
>>> sys.getsizeof(2)
>>> sys.getsizeof(2.0)
>>> sys.getsizeof(True)
>>> sys.getsizeof(None)

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