
Series is a one-dimensional labeled array capable of holding data of any type (integer, string, float, python objects, etc.). The axis labels are collectively called index.

Dictionaries vs Panda's Series

Dictionaries Panda's Series
Allows you to store key: value pairs and offer some built-in methods to manipulate your data These are one-dimensional ndarrays with axis-labels, which allow you to store array-like, dict, or scalar values
If you only need to store some key:value pairs, your best and more elegant solution is to use the default dictionary If you need to make some complex data manipulation on the stored data, then consider using panda's series

Create a Series

Create Series object from list and dictionaries

import pandas as pd

# Create series of students with their ids using lists
se = pd.Series(data=['Alex', 'Nelly', 'Mike'], index=[100, 101, 102])

# Create a series from students dict
se = pd.Series(data={100: 'Alex', 101: 'Nelly', 102: 'Mike'})


Access data using label (index)

Indexes can be used to retrieve elements in series

# Access date using index
# Access first element with index


Series[startIndex:endIndex]. Note endIndex element is not retrieved

# Slicing
# Retrieve all elements
100     Alex
101    Nelly
102     Mike
dtype: object

# Retrieve first element
100    Alex
dtype: object

Update an element in series


# Change Alex to Alexander
se[100] = 'Alexander'

Delete an element in Series

del series[index]

# delete an element form series
del se[100]
101    Nelly
102     Mike
dtype: object

Delete the whole series

del series

# delete the whole series
del se

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